Country Knolls Preschool Policies and Procedures

Each caregiver will receive and sign off on a Country Knolls Preschool Handbook upon registration of their child in school.

Below is a brief overview of some of the school policies.


Children may occasionally bring in special items that relate to our school program or to “Show and Tell.” Please leave your children's toys at home. No toys that promote violence (e.g. guns, knives, war toys, etc.) are permitted at school, including for “show and tell." Also avoid brining electronics, candy and gum to school. Please check your children's belongings at home to make sure another child's belongings were not brought home by mistake.


In addition to being neat, comfortable and appropriate for the weather, school clothing should be easy for the child to manage, completely washable, and every item should be labeled. Please pay particular attention to labeling boots and outerwear. Also, please leave a weather appropriate, change of clothes with your child's teacher.  Children with properly fitting sneakers with bottom grips will be allowed participate at gym, playground and zumba.


Please do not send your child to school if he/she is not feeling well. Children who have a fever or appear ill will be sent home. A child must be fever free for 48 hours before they can return to school. If your child is absent from school for more than three days, kindly report the nature of the illness to the staff. If your child has a communicable disease, please call the school immediately, so that other parents can be notified. This is always kept anonymous.
The staff is permitted to administer medication only if the following procedures are followed:

  1. The parent must give written permission.
  2. Specific instructions from the DOCTOR must be given in writing indicating: the medication to be given, the dosage, the time it is to be administered, and the possible side effects.
  3. The medication must be brought to the school in its original container.

In the case of an accident, first aid is given and the parent is called immediately. If the parent cannot be reached, the emergency contacts will be called. If those persons are not available, your child’s doctor will be called. If the doctor cannot be reached, your child will be taken to another doctor or to the nearest hospital emergency room. In order to ensure appropriate medical attention, an emergency release form must be signed before your child enters school.


Transportation is the responsibility of the parents. It is mandatory that parents notify the school in writing of the person/persons providing transportation for their child. If someone other than a regular driver is transporting the children, the school must first be notified in writing.


If a child is not picked up as scheduled, the teacher in charge will phone the parent. If the parent cannot be reached, the teacher will call the person who has been listed to be called in the event of an emergency. If that person cannot be reached, a staff member will stay with the child until an authorized person picks up that child.



There is a $100 non-refundable registration fee upon registering your child.  Invoices will be emailed home with your child the end of each month and should be returned with check, cash or Venmo by the beginning of the following month.


Parent involvement is encouraged and teachers seek to keep all channels of communication open.  Throughout the school year, as the need arises, parents are encouraged to arrange an appointment with teachers as desired.

The Director is always happy to schedule an appointment with parents as well to discuss any ideas, questions or concerns.


Please pack your child a healthy lunch and snack daily. Please provide a refillable water bottle.  In the event a child forgets his/her lunch, a nutritious meal will be provided. In the case of special events where lunch will be provided, you will be notified not to pack lunch.  Please inform the teachers and director of any food allergies.