4's PreK Schedule
Click the link for a copy of the 4's PreK class schedule
The 4 year old PreK program is a full learning environment where children have the opportunity to explore the world of science, math, language arts and literature. We feel it is important for the child to express themselves through dramatic play, creative art, blocks, workbooks, writing and water table activities..
Zoo Phonics is incorporated into the PreK program which teaches all aspects of language arts. The principle of Zoo Phonics maximizes understanding, memory, utilization and transferences to all areas of the reading, spelling and writing process in a playful and concrete manner.
Through the use of PAF Handwriting Program we develop exceptional readers and writers. Children learn sight words, vowels, silent letters, blending and then start the process of reading. Learn more...
Daily Activities include:
Free play: This is an essential aspect of individual growth. It is a time for the child to choose a center; to paint, read, listen to music, play with blocks or puzzles, pretend dress up or “work” in the kitchen.
Show and Tell: time for a child to share what they would like and gain confidence in speaking to their peers and expressing themselves.
Circle Time: Children come together to learn colors, shapes, days, months, numbers, letters, sounds and weather. Daily discussions on various topics are held in circle time.
The children will have outdoor or indoor gym – 30 minutes per day, (full time students get 2 – 30 minute sessions).